Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory to close at 2:00 p.m. Other University campuses open for normal operations, 11/26/14
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory to close at 2:00 p.m. today. All other University campuses remain open for normal operations.
Due to weather conditions, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory campus will be closing at 2:00 p.m. today, November 26th. The last shuttle from Morningside to Lamont will be at 1:00 p.m. The last shuttle from Lamont to Morningside will be at 2:00 p.m. All other University campuses remain open for normal operations.
The Emergency Management Operations Team is closely monitoring today’s storm. The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory and predicts heavy, wet snowfall, with periods of rain and sleet mixing into the early evening hours. These weather conditions, together with Thanksgiving holiday traffic, will likely impact your commute, so please plan extra time and exercise caution as you travel today. We urge all members of the Columbia community to stay informed about conditions as the storm progresses.
Morningside Campus Updates
- Classes and events are proceeding as scheduled.
- We advise students and members of the University community to confirm specific details with faculty or event sponsors if necessary.
- To report an emergency on campus, call Public Safety at 212-854-5555. For off-campus health or safety emergencies, please call 911.
- Facilities continues to be available at Morningside to assist with campus and building services. To contact the Facilities Services Center, call 212-854-2222, 24 hours a day.
Columbia University Medical Center Updates
- CUMC Facilities Operations and CUMC Public Safety are available to assist with campus, building or other issues that may arise. For Facilities, please call 212-305-HELP or email [email protected]. For Public Safety, dial 212-305-8100 for routine matters or 212-305-7979 for an on-campus emergency.
- Updates for the CUMC community will be posted and updated at
Before You Leave for the Holiday
In preparation for the inclement weather, Facilities would like to remind everyone to do the following before departing this afternoon:
- Make sure all windows are closed securely. This single step may be the most important way that you can protect your work area from potentially-damaging high winds.
- Remember windows in spaces that are not usually occupied. It is often an open window in one of these "forgotten" rooms that causes frozen or split pipes, not to mention wasted energy.
- Leave all radiator valves and fans coils on to ensure adequate heating and to avoid damage from freezing. Fan coils should be set to the slowest speed setting.
- Clear clothing or furniture away from heaters to avoid inadequate heating that may cause freeze-ups and damage.
- Make sure all faucets are off.
- Report problems, such as leaks or windows or doors that cannot be closed, to the Facilities Services Center by calling the Facilities Services Center, call (212) 854-2222, 24 hours a day.
For More Information
For more information on weather and transit, please visit:
- The New York City Severe Weather website: - The MTA website: - The National Weather Service website:
As the situation changes, we will continue to update the Columbia Preparedness website, and the Columbia homepage, The Columbia University Medical Center homepage,, will also be updated. Alternatively, you may call 212-854-1754 for the Morningside campus or 212-305-7300 for the Medical Center.
Wishing you a wonderful and safe holiday.